TheĀ River
I help alleviate pain, anxiety, and stress so you can lead a succcessful career and a fulfilling life
How can I measure a fulfilling life?
It’s a profound question, one that has inspired philosophers, scientists, and seekers of truth throughout history. Finding meaning and living a fulfilling...
I grew up in a small town in Iowa. As kids we ran around town in the summer, often barefoot in the sun, playing games all day. Many of us had BB guns and were very good at...
Dear Tony,
What is a big thing holding back executives, that most executives don’t think is a big deal?
-Wondering in Wichita
Dear Wondering in Wichita,
One of the biggest...
Dear Tony,
My career revolves around sales and getting customers to purchase my products. I’m now leading teams of sales personnel in 4 states. How can I become a better sales...
"It's time to step away, listen to what the universe wants to tell me, and leave room for what wants to happen." April 2023
It's been a little over a year since I retired from a 35-year career...
Dear Tony,
My impression is that strategic thinking is important to get promoted. Where do I start when it comes to strategy? What is it, and how can it help my career?
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